Friday, April 29, 2011

Fiji trip.....also first post. Sweet

So on June the 4th I will be going to Fiji. It will be my first time travelling outside of North America. I went to Hawaii when I was 9 but I don't think that really counts as outside of North America. I'm pretty excited to be seeing a culture that is completely different from mine for the first time.


  1. Fiji... that's a long way

  2. One day my friend! I've got a lot of ancestry there. I think I'd fit in nicely too with my red hair and all.

  3. Hope you have a great time there!

  4. Fiji, sounds pretty cool. I haven't gotten the chance to leave the country yet myself, though I was supposed to study abroad in Japan next year. Unfortunately, it's gotta wait a bit longer.

  5. I was considering studying in Japan too next year. How are you going about it?
