Friday, May 20, 2011

Lazy Son of A Bitch

Yes Yes Yes,

I know it's been forever since the last time I posted on here but I'm back! And I'm here to share some goodies from my trip!

I hope that a few of you guys are Atmosphere fans and if not, I suggest you go check them out now.

Well I went to go see them in Vancouver on May 10 at The Vogue. I've been to a lot of concerts in my day but I can say with confidence that that was THE best show I have ever been to in my entire life. The atmosphere (pardon the pun) in that theatre was nothing short of incredible. It was like there was this energy flowing through that entire place. There was this really crazy sense of community and family about the whole night and you could tell it was reciprocated by Slug.

Here's some video I took of one of his songs. Sorry the filming is a little shaky. I tried to pay as little attention as possible to what I was filming because I wanted to watch slug rather than my iPhone screen.

Again, if you don't know Atmosphere, please check them out!!

This is my favorite song by Atmosphere. It's about Slug's regret about not appreciating his dad while he was still around. He closed with this song. It takes a lot to make me cry but I tear up every time I hear this song.

Oh yeah and also, I turned 21 today!!


  1. Happy birthday mate! ^^ Hope you have a great one!

  2. Wow congratulations! Finally you can drink without having to glance over your shoulder all the time ;) Have a good one!

  3. happy birthday, man! i turned 21 this month as all. i guess we're both legally able to drink now. how cool is that?

    great atmosphere song btw. i think my favorite from him will always be fuck you lucy. god loves ugly is one of my all time favorite albums! :)

  4. Happy late birthday. All I can recommend is don't go crazy with the alcohol, trust me ;)

  5. gratz on the birthday! and loved the music videos

  6. ive heard they smoke alot of pot on stage
