Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Welp...The Conservatives Won

Conservative leader Stephen Harper about to celebrate his win by breaking a kitten's neck
So the Conservatives won. I can't say I didn't really expect it. I really thought the NDP had a shot coming up to the election, though. I'm not even angry about this. I'm just disappointed. Disappointed in a country that would vote for a politician who literally appointed a man who will not confirm his belief in evolution as the Minister of Science. Oh well. Like Tupac said...that's just the way it is.


  1. man its a shame, they have won too many elections around the globe this year .

  2. I know what you're saying. I've got some Canadian friends who were desperately trying to get the word out not to vote for this guy. At least one of them is now drowning his sorrows in Maple Syrup(No joke)

  3. I hear where you're coming from. Thankfully I'm from a relatively sane part of the US.

  4. I find there is nothing such as to believe in evolution. Science is no religion what needs belief.
    But the religious people will never learn this...

  5. sigh! change just isnt going to happen;

  6. I am obsessed with Tupac, so amazing post ^_^

    Conservatives suck.

  7. Meh. A politician is a politician is a politician. Parties are usually irrelevant. As you (Tupac) said, "That's just the way it is."

  8. Just got to wait until like minded people agree to actually change things together

  9. Congrats to the Conservatives =/
